News and Informations

Rhine Seminar on Transcendence am 28.3.

Wir freuen uns auf Vorträge von Umberto Zannier, Marco Artusa und Alexei Skorobogatov.

More Information can be found here

Advances in Mathematical Finance, 21.5.-23.5.

This conference will take place in honour of Ernst Eberlein’s birthday. The conference will highlight recent advances in financial modeling and computational methods, through presentations delivered by leading invited experts in the field. A poster session featuring contributions from young researchers will also be organized.

More Information can be found here

Workshop Bending II vom 26.5. bis 28.5.

The workshop aims at bringing together scientists from different applied and theoretical disciplines that are interested in the modeling, simulation and application of nonlinear bending phenomena. If you want to attend the workshop please send an email to and let us know if you are interested in giving a short presentation

More Information can be found here

All gender toilet at the Mathematical Institute

In room 041 there is a novel all gender toilet which is available to all members of the University of Freiburg. A key can be obtained via a form at Anna Lippek (room 245).

Upcoming Events

Seminar über Datenanalyse, Modellbildung und AI

Michael Kupper Universität Konstanz

. Freitag, 4.4.25, 12:00 -13:30, Seminarraum 404